Glozel: Urn
This is a drawing of a damaged urn from the Le Glozel site. However, you can still see some writing below the face. My understanding is that such urns were found to contain human remains.
Reading from right to left the symbols are:
Image: Shuowen Jiezi: research tool
The small seal script radical rén, meaning person.
Shí 十 or wǔ X. This is the ideograph of four points and the centre. In the context of the urn, I will translate it as whole.
A pointer, which means this point or herein.
A pictograph of a tomb, meaning buried.
Le dessin d’une tête de homme qui porte une barrette basque: Antonin Morlet, 1978: Glozel – Corpus des Inscriptions, GLO-52.5: Éditions Horvath,Roanne
Small seal script character: Shuowenjiezi: research tool in Chinese traditional philology: