Manual Labour

It is interesting to see that at Bayol prisoners were used for what is described as hard labour. This is the Chinese character xīn 辛, which means hot, laborious or bitter. It is used to describe any kind of hard manual labour, such as work in the fields, or, as in the story below, digging a trench and carrying the earth away.

My understanding is that this drawing is located near the character for hard labour. However, the precise location needs to be verified. The image appears to depict an engineering or building project. Firstly, we see a person tied, in other words a prisoner, and are told that he is lifting or digging. Then, we are told that he is digging a trench, and moving the soil away. Unfortunately, we are not told what the trench and/or earth will be used for. There are other symbols in the cave. Perhaps they contain more information.
Author's Note
The second image is an excellent example of how a few simple lines can be used to convey a lot of information. I haven’t given you the Chinese characters. I suggest that you look at the drawing, and try to get a feeling for the ideas portrayed.
Image Credits:
Signes noirs charbonneux and Dessins au trait noir fin: Dr E. Drouot : Les peintures de la grotte Bayol à Collias (Gard) et l'art pariétal en Languedoc méditerranéen: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française: Année 1953: Volume 50: Numéro 7-8: p. 398. From: bspf_0249-7638_1953_num_50_7_5147: Accessed: 6 November 2012.